All the articles of law cited are articles of French or European law.
Under Article 6 of Law No. 2004-575 of June 21, 2004 on confidence in the digital economy, users of the site are informed of the identity of the various stakeholders in the framework for its implementation and monitoring.
BOA CONCEPT is a Public Limited Company with board of directors, registered RCS 752 025 908 Saint-Etienne and located 22 rue de Méons 42000 SAINT ETIENNE. Its president is Jean-Lucien RASCLE. You can contact him through the ‘Contact’ tab of the site. Its share capital is € 769,731.00. The main activity carried out is the installation of machinery and mechanical equipment Code APE 3320B, SIRET 752 025 908 00043 and VAT FR 83 404833048.
The company can be contacted by phone at: + 33 (0) 4 77 50 21 24 or by email at
INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY is a work of the mind. Pursuant to the law of March 11, 1957 (art. 41) and the intellectual property code of July 1, 1992, any partial or total reproduction for collective use is strictly prohibited without the authorization of BOA CONCEPT. The logos, images, visuals, texts, videos and brands present on this website are the property of their respective owners who may be the company BOA CONCEPT, if applicable. Any modification or degradation of its content is also prohibited under penalty of a penalty for an offense of counterfeiting (Articles L.335-2 and following of the Intellectual Property Code).
The rights of use, reproduction and distribution are strictly reserved for the communication of BOA CONCEPT. Reproduction of all or part of this site on any electronic medium is strictly prohibited without the express authorization of BOA CONCEPT.
Reproduction of texts from this site on paper is authorized, subject to the following three conditions :
- Free distribution
- Respect for all of the documents reproduced, without modification or alteration of any kind
- Clear and legible citation of the source, the website address must appear in the reference
Director of publication: Jean-Lucien RASCLE –
The design and construction of this site are carried out by: Agence Camaïeu, simplified joint-stock company with capital of € 7622 registered with the RCS of Paris under number 377 590 724, Code APE 7311Z and VAT FR73377590724. The head office is located at 5 Avenue de la Republique – 75011 Paris.
The site is hosted by OCTOPUCE: simplified joint-stock company with a capital of 50,000 € registered with the RCS of Paris under number 480 189 067, Code APE 7022Z and VAT FR37480189067. The head office is located at 25 Rue Popincourt 75011 – Paris, and its telephone number is: 09 50 56 80 88.
BOA CONCEPT may collect personal data about you when you visit the site, but also when you contact the company for general questions via the “Contact” tab of the site. You have the right to access and rectify your personal data as well as the right to oppose their use for prospecting purposes (law 78-17 of 6 January 1978 relating to data processing, files and freedoms) on request by completing the form on the ‘Contact’ page. BOA CONCEPT undertakes not to disseminate your personal data and to use them only in the context of its activity.
Any natural person can unsubscribe from BOA Concept’s newsletter, marketing promotion emails and commercial emails by following the unsubscribe links in each of these emails.
You can also, in the event of a dispute, file a complaint with the CNIL, the contact details of which can be found at the internet address
BOA CONCEPT strives to ensure the updating and accuracy of the information accessible on its site but does not guarantee permanent exhaustive updating. BOA CONCEPT also reserves the right to correct at any time and without notice the content of the site and its information and makes no warranty, express or implied, concerning the site or part of the site. In no event can BOA CONCEPT be held liable for any direct or indirect damage, whatever its nature, arising from the use of the site.
This site may, without its knowledge, have been linked to other sites by means of hypertext links. BOA CONCEPT declines all responsibility for the information presented on these other sites. The Internet user acknowledges that the use of the site belonging to BOA CONCEPT is subject to French law.
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